Since 1925, Purdy has been committed to providing professional painters with the right tools for the job. Their dedication to the craft has positioned them as the #1 preferred paint brush brand. Painters trust the quality of Purdy’s products—and the results they deliver. When Purdy launched their new 14″ roller system, they needed a partner they could trust as much as painters trust them.
The Challenge:
The majority of professional painters have a collection of tried-and-true tools they are comfortable using. They remain loyal to these products, not typically eager to change.
Purdy knew that the introduction of their new roller system would require a significant shift in behavior from painters — especially ones not already using their products. But, for painters to realize the value of Purdy’s new roller system, they needed to use it. So Purdy needed a way to get their new rollers directly into the hands of professional painters.
The Solution:
The first hurdle to overcome was the target audience’s reluctance to change. To better understand that, we identified the contributing factors to resisting change — and what would make professional painters consider a new product. We learned that while professional painters are still faithful to the tools they trust, recent supply chain issues and labor shortages made them more receptive to trying new products, especially ones that save them time or positively impact their margin. With this insight in mind, we focused campaign messaging on both productivity and affordability.